Return & Refund Policy

At Uoozii, we strive to ensure your satisfaction with our products. If you find that your purchase does not meet your expectations, whether due to defects, damage, or discrepancies in description, you can request a refund or exchange within 14 days of delivery by contacting our customer service at


(a) Returns

To qualify for a return, please ensure the following:

  • The items to be returned are unused, undamaged, unwashed, and in their original packaging with the original labels intact.
  • You are responsible for the return shipping costs. Items not meeting the above criteria cannot be accepted for return.

Customers have a 14-day window from the receipt date to initiate a return without providing a reason. Uoozii will issue a refund upon receipt of the return. For return requests, please contact us at Once the return is processed, a refund will be credited to the customer's account. Shipping costs will be charged to the customer at most once (including return shipping). Restocking fees will not be applied for product returns.

(Kindly reach out to for the nearest return address in your vicinity.)


(b) Refunds

You will receive an email notification once your refund or exchange has been processed. Refunds will be completed within 3 business days upon receiving your return. Please check your account after verification.

Please note that return requests are typically processed twice a week, which may cause a slight delay. For any inquiries, please contact, and we will respond promptly.


(c) Cancellations

If you wish to cancel your order before shipment, please inform us at



Shipping Damage Claims

While we take pride in our products, we cannot control the shipping process entirely. In rare cases of transit damage, please inspect the item upon receipt. If damage is evident, provide us with photos or videos and reach out to us at

Please Note:

  • Damage claims for shipping must be reported within 14 days of product receipt.
  • Customized products are non-returnable and non-exchangeable unless there is a quality issue with the product.